Wellness Workshops

Welcome Roadrunners! This is YOUR site that contains recordings of Wellness Workshops presented during the 2020-2021 academic year. They were created, and presented, by our wonderful advanced placement Social Work intern, from Cal State San Bernardino, Amandalee Merryman. After every presentation many students would ask if they were being recorded so that they could watch them on their own. In response to these requests we, at Student Health and Wellness, asked our intern to record the presentations so students could watch them on their own time.

The workshops are a 7 part series and are intended to build upon each other. You can watch all of them, or just one that interests you. The goal of these workshops are to offer tips to help you develop effective coping skills, or strategies while attending college as well as recognizing when you might need more support.



Overall Wellness

It is not a secret that we are all still adjusting to the new ‘norm’ of living, working and being students post pandemic. Between attending zoom classes, in person classes or meetings all day long, completing required assignments on time, managing work and family life in the same domain, social isolation, financial concerns and the constant exposure to anxiety-inducing media, when is the last time you REALLY checked-in on your overall wellness?

With the increased life stressors that we are all experiencing, The Student Health and Wellness Center believes it is important for your success and overall well-being to understand wellness, reflect on what wellness looks like in your own life and to learn how to tend to your personal wellness needs daily. For more information and tips on wellness, please watch the video below:

“I Can’t Stress This Enough!” (Stress)

Thinking about all of the work you have ahead of you? Are you juggling work? Family life? This can all cause a lot of stress. But is the stress you are experiencing healthy or unhealthy stress? How do you manage your stress? And, what affects can stress have on your mental, physical and social well-being? The presentation below focuses on stress, the difference between healthy and unhealthy stress, and simple strategies to help you manage stress.

“Don’t Believe Everything You Think!” (Anxiety)

All of us here at The Student Health and Wellness Center hope that you are feeling positive, taking care of yourselves and are free from worry. Sometimes, being free from worry is easier said than done, especially when life throws things at us that are out of our control. If you find yourself experiencing an excessive amount of worry lately, having racing thoughts or unrealistic fears, or are anxious more than usual, you may be experiencing some level of anxiety.

The Student Health and Wellness Center understands how important it is for your success and overall well-being to learn how to manage anxiety and understand the difference between experiencing normal anxiety and abnormal anxiety. The presentation below focuses on anxiety, the difference between normal and excessive anxiety, and simple strategies to help you manage anxiety.

“The Time is Here and Now!” (Mindfulness)

Hey Roadrunners, are you here or are you over there? Well, hopefully you are here, fully present in this moment, and you are able to focus on this information, without your mind wandering or being overwhelmed by what is going on around you. If you read that and thought, “Hmmm… sometimes I do have difficulty being fully present to what’s happening or what I’m doing in the moment, because I have so many thoughts on my mind and so many things going on.” Then, you will benefit from learning about mindfulness; how it can reduce negative feelings and thoughts, enhance focus and increase gratitude.

The Student Health and Wellness Center believes that incorporating mindfulness techniques into your daily life is important and promotes your overall success and well-being. The presentation below will focus on mindfulness, what mindfulness means, how it impacts your life and how to integrate mindfulness techniques into your daily routine.

“My Name is Depression. What’s Yours?” (Depression)

The current pandemic has brought many changes to the way in which we live our lives and it is important that we are mindful of not only our own feelings, actions and behaviors, but our friend’s and family’s as well. Even though there is hope that these ever changing pandemic conditions will be behind us soon, we are all still managing school, work, family and our social lives from home. Depression is a rising mental health concern and understanding the difference between the symptoms of someone being sad or someone being depressed is crucial in promoting overall wellness and knowing when to seek treatment.

The Student Health and Wellness Center understands how important it is for your success and overall well-being to know the signs and symptoms of depression and what you can do to help yourself or someone you care about, who may be depressed. To learn more watch the video below:

“I Don’t Have Time for This!” (Time-management)

If you don’t have time to read this, then you may benefit from learning about time management, how overextending yourself impacts your mental and physical health, as well as learning skills and techniques to assist you with staying organized, managing your time and supporting your own success and well-being through personal boundary setting.

The Student Health and Wellness Center understands how important it is for your success and overall well-being to appropriately manage your time, stay organized and set personal boundaries. For more information on time management, please watch the video below:

“Who’s Taking Care of You?” (Self-care)

When is the last time you put YOU first? If you are not taking care of you, who is? If you do not know how to answer those questions, or are feeling generally overwhelmed, then you will benefit from learning about self-care, what self-care is, how to practice it and how it can positively impact your life and help you relieve feelings of stress and anxiety, while helping you become the best version of yourself. Remember, you cannot be there for, help or take care of others, if you haven’t taken care of yourself first. Right?

The Student Health and Wellness Center understands how important it is for your success and overall well-being to practice self-care and self-love, in order to become the best version of you. For more information watch this short video below: