How to Join CalWORKs at College of the Desert​

The CalWORKs program at College of the Desert supports parenting students who are enrolled at COD and receiving public assistance. We provide a variety of services aimed at helping students attain self-sufficiency and academic achievement.

Program Eligibility

  • Parent(s) and child(ren) must be CalWORKs/TANF recipients 
  • One or two parent households
  • No unit minimum - students can either enroll in credit or noncredit courses

To get started with the CalWORKs program, please email us at​ or call (760) 862-1343 to schedule an appointment with a CalWORKs counselor. 


Empowering Your Future: Join the CalWORKs Program Today!

Submit the CalWORKs Program Interest Form and our team will contact you to guide you through the next steps, provide detailed information about the program, and schedule you an appointment with a CalWORKs counselor. 


Eligibility Documentation

At your counseling appointment, you must provide the following documenation as proof of eligibility:​

  • ​A current Verification of Benefits or Notice of Action

  • Welfare to Work Plan (required for students participating in work study)