College Seats Trustees, Appoints Officers

Two candidates who were elected to the Desert Community College District, the governing board for College of the Desert, were administered the oath of office today. Incumbent Aurora Wilson was sworn in by Board Chair Bonnie Stefan, Ed.D and Superintendent/President Joel L. Kinnamon, Ed.D., and new member Rubèn AríAztlán Pèrez was sworn in by Riverside County Supervisor V. Manuel Pèrez.

FiAurora Wilsonrst elected in 2013, Trustee Wilson has shown an unwavering commitment to student success—working to successfully create benefits and opportunities for students throughout the Coachella Valley. A strong community advocate, she serves as the board liaison to the College of the Desert Foundation, is a board member for the Joslyn Center and other notable community work.
Rueben Perez
Trustee Pèrez brings a unique perspective to the Coachella Valley, having worked in the California State Capitol, his extensive network has allowed him to gain experience in policy-making, political strategy and community building. While at UC Davis, he also attended Sacramento City College where he learned the importance and true value that community colleges have in their local communities.
Each year as part of the December meeting, the Board of Trustees announces the organization for the upcoming year and appoints officers. Following is a list of appointments and positions the Trustees will hold in 2019.
Desert Community College District, Board Positions:

Bonnie Stefan, Ed.D., Chair
Fred E. Jandt, Ph.D., Vice Chair
Mary Jane Sanchez-Fulton, Clerk
Aurora Wilson, Member
Rubèn AríAztlán Pèrez, Member

2019 Assignments:
Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee, Liaison: Fred E. Jandt, Ph.D
County Committee, Liaison: Rubèn AríAztlán Pèrez
Desert Financing Corporation for the New Market Tax Credit, Board of Trustees: Mary Jane Sanchez-Fulton
Auxiliary, Liaison: Aurora Wilson

Information about the Board of Trustees, meeting schedules, agendas and other important information, can be found on the website at