Spring Play: 'Rimers of Eldritch'

The play is about the moral corruption at the core of an American small town that has lost its economic vitality. The old people, the marginally employable, and the few loyal families who have remained have become insular, even viciously so, because they have refused to relinquish a long-gone “glorious” past.

So strong is the draw of the past — memories of full shops and bustling streets while the coal mine operated, and of recent stock-car victories — that the town is unable to deal constructively with its present condition.

Instead, it insists that unwelcome reminders of the present — the mentally deficient, physically handicapped, and morally ambivalent — should remain hidden from view or risk violent expulsion.

Performances will be in Theatre Too at 7 p.m. March 16, 17, 23, and 24; and 3 p.m. March 18 and 25. Tickets are $15 for students and seniors, and $20 for General Admission. Purchase your tickets online or at the COD Bookstore.